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14 posts tagged with "Biweekly-Newsletter"

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· 7 min read

KCL is a constraint-based record and functional language hosted by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that enhances the writing of complex configurations, including those for cloud-native scenarios. With its advanced programming language technology and practices, KCL is dedicated to promoting better modularity, scalability, and stability for configurations. It enables simpler logic writing and offers ease of automation APIs and integration with homegrown systems.

This section will update the KCL language community's latest developments every two weeks, including features, website updates, and the latest community news, helping everyone better understand the KCL community!

KCL Website:


Thank you to all contributors for their outstanding work over the past two weeks (12.22 2023 - 01.04 2024). Here is an overview of the key content:

🔧 Toolchain Update

Package Management Tool Update

  • Adds support for automatic translation of external package names containing the - symbol to an underscore _ that KCL recognizes, such as set-annotation -> set_annotation
  • Fixes a null pointer error caused when kcl mod add encounters a mismatch between the Registry package version and the version of the package already present locally

💻 IDE Update

Semantic Highlighting

  • KCL IDE now supports semantic-level highlighting, avoiding differences in highlighting across various IDE plugins

Enhancement for Completion Features

  • Differentiates between Schema type and instance completion symbols
  • Unifies the format for Schema comment documentation completion
  • Fixes inconsistencies in completion symbol types across different syntaxes

Special Thanks

The following are listed in no particular order:

  • Thanks to @FLAGLORD, @YiuTerran, @flyinox, @steeling, @Anoop, @Phillip Neumann, and @Even Solberg for their valuable feedback and discussions during the promotion and usage of KCL 🙌

Using KCL to Write Crossplane Composition Functions

Crossplane and its XRs allow developers to create higher-level abstractions that can encapsulate and compose multiple types of cloud resources across different providers and services. Using Composition Functions to render these abstractions can effectively enhance template capabilities for various provider resources while reducing the amount of YAML code needed.

Combining KCL with Composition Functions offers several benefits:

  • Simplification of Complex Configurations: KCL provides a more concise syntax and structure as a DSL, reducing the complexity of configurations. When combined with Crossplane’s composite resources, you can create more intuitive and easy-to-understand configuration templates with loop and condition features, simplifying the definition and maintenance of resources instead of duplicate YAML and Go code snippets.
  • Reusability and Modularity: KCL supports modularity and code reuse through OCI Registry, which means you can create reusable configuration components. Combined with Crossplane, this promotes the modularity of composite resources, increases the reuse of configurations, and reduces errors.
  • Automation and Policy-Driven: You can use KCL’s powerful features to write policies and constraints that, combined with Crossplane’s declarative resource management, can be automatically enforced, ensuring compliance within the cloud environment.

Additionally, you can refer to here to learn about the differences between KCL and other configuration formats or DSLs.


Quick Start

Let’s write a KCL function abstraction which generates managed resources VPC and InternetGateway with an input resource Network.

1. Install the Crossplane KCL Function

Installing a function creates a function pod. The function logic is processed as a pipeline step in a composition that may create managed resources when triggered through specified parameters.

Install a Function with a Crossplane Function object setting the spec.package value to the location of the function package.

kubectl apply -f- << EOF
kind: Function
name: kcl-function
2. Apply the Composition Resource

You can apply the composition resource with the inline KCL code into the cluster.

kubectl apply -f- << EOF
kind: Composition
provider: aws
writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace: crossplane-system
kind: XNetwork
mode: Pipeline
- step: normal
name: kcl-function
kind: KCLRun
name: basic
# Generate new resources
target: Resources
# OCI, Git or inline source
# source: oci://
# source:
source: |
# Get the XR spec fields
id = option("params")?.oxr? or ""
# Render XR to crossplane managed resources
network_id_labels = {"" = id} if id else {}
vpc = {
apiVersion = ""
kind = "VPC" = "vpc"
metadata.labels = network_id_labels
spec.forProvider = {
region = "eu-west-1"
cidrBlock = ""
enableDnsSupport = True
enableDnsHostnames = True
gateway = {
apiVersion = ""
kind = "InternetGateway" = "gateway"
metadata.labels = network_id_labels
spec.forProvider = {
region = "eu-west-1"
vpcIdSelector.matchControllerRef = True
items = [vpc, gateway]
3. Create Crossplane XRD

We define a schema using the crossplane XRD for the input resource Network, it has a field named id which denotes the network id.

kubectl apply -f- << EOF
kind: CompositeResourceDefinition
kind: XNetwork
plural: xnetworks
kind: Network
plural: networks
- name: v1alpha1
served: true
referenceable: true
type: object
type: object
type: string
description: ID of this Network that other objects will use to refer to it.
- id
4. Apply the Crossplane XR
kubectl apply -f- << EOF
kind: Network
name: network-test-functions
namespace: default
id: network-test-functions
5. Verify the Generated Managed Resources
  • VPC
kubectl get VPC -o yaml | grep network-id network-test-functions
  • InternetGateway
kubectl get InternetGateway -o yaml | grep network-id network-test-functions

It can be seen that we have indeed successfully generated VPC and InternetGateway resources, and their fields meet expectations.

6. Debugging KCL Functions Locally

See here for more information and examples.

Client Enhancements

It can be seen that the above abstract code often requires a crossplane as a control plane intermediary, and you can still complete the abstraction in a fully client-side manner and directly generate crossplane managed resources to reduce the burden on the cluster.

On the client side, there are two methods to render managed resources. One method is to use the crossplane beta render command, and the other is to render directly using the kcl run command. The usage for the former can be found here. For the latter, the usage is as follows.

kcl run oci:// -S items -D params='{"oxr": {"spec": {"id": "network-test-functions"}}}'

The output is

kind: VPC
name: vpc
labels: network-test-functions
region: eu-west-1
enableDnsSupport: true
enableDnsHostnames: true
kind: InternetGateway
name: gateway
labels: network-test-functions
region: eu-west-1
matchControllerRef: true

Both methods require a registry (usually to assist in completing the work. The ultimate choice between them may depend on your operational habits and environmental costs. Regardless of the method chosen, we recommend maintaining your KCL code in Git to better implement GitOps and obtain a better IDE experience and reusable modules such as the Crossplane AWS Provider Modules.


❤️ Thanks to all KCL users and community members for their valuable feedback and suggestions in the community. See here to join us!

For more resources, please refer to

· 5 min read

KCL is a constraint-based record and functional language hosted by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that enhances the writing of complex configurations, including those for cloud-native scenarios. With its advanced programming language technology and practices, KCL is dedicated to promoting better modularity, scalability, and stability for configurations. It enables simpler logic writing and offers ease of automation APIs and integration with homegrown systems.

This section will update the KCL language community's latest developments every two weeks, including features, website updates, and the latest community news, helping everyone better understand the KCL community!

KCL Website:


Thank you to all contributors for their outstanding work over the past two weeks (11.24 - 12.07 2023). Here is an overview of the key content:

📦 Model Updates

KCL model quantity increased to 300, added KCL models for k8s 1.29.

🔧 Toolchain Updates

  • Import Tool Updates

    • Import tool supports OpenAPI allOf keyword validation expression generation
    • Import tool supports KCL array and dictionary type all/any validation expression generation
    • Import tool fixes JSON Schema array generation KCL code snippet error and string escape error
  • 🏄 Package Management Tool Updates

    • Added support for third-party libraries with hyphens in their names.
    • Fixed the problem that the update function cannot automatically pass kcl.mod and kcl.mod.lock.

💻 KCL Updates

  • KCL compilation cache path supports using environment variables KCL_CACHE_PATH to specify
  • Fixed the compilation error that may be caused by the compilation parameter -S of KCL CLI
  • Fixed the error that kcl fmt tool adds an empty line at the end when formatting lambda expressions.
  • Fixed Schema Doc completion code snippet error

📒 IDE Updates

  • Fixed the problem that the variable completion in the check statement is invalid
  • VSCode Extension updated to version 0.1.3, updated the highlighting and completion of some keywords
  • Added completion of builtin functions
  • Optimized the style of function completion

Efficient Cloud Native Application Deployment - KCL and KubeVela Integration Quick Guide

KCL is a configuration and policy language for cloud-native scenarios, hosted by the CNCF Foundation. It aims to improve the writing of complex configurations, such as cloud-native Kubernetes configurations, using mature programming language techniques and practices. KCL focuses on building better modularity, scalability, and stability around configuration, as well as easier logic writing, automation, and integration with the toolchain.

KCL exists in a completely open cloud-native world and is not tied to any orchestration/engine tools or Kubernetes controllers. It can provide API abstraction, composition, and validation capabilities for both Kubernetes clients and runtime.

KubeVela is a modern application delivery system hosted by the CNCF Foundation. It is built on the Open Application Model (OAM) specification and aims to abstract the complexity of Kubernetes, providing a set of simple and easy-to-use command-line tools and APIs for developers to deploy and operate cloud-native applications without worrying about the underlying details.

Using KCL with KubeVela has the following benefits:

  • Simpler configuration: KCL provides stronger templating capabilities, such as conditions and loops, for KubeVela OAM configurations at the client level, reducing the need for repetitive YAML writing. At the same time, the reuse of KCL model libraries and toolchains enhances the experience and management efficiency of configuration and policy writing.
  • Better maintainability: KCL provides a configuration file structure that is more conducive to version control and team collaboration, instead of relying solely on YAML. When combined with OAM application models written in KCL, application configurations become easier to maintain and iterate.
  • Simplified operations: By combining the simplicity of KCL configurations with the ease of use of KubeVela, daily operational tasks such as deploying, updating, scaling, or rolling back applications can be simplified. Developers can focus more on the applications themselves rather than the tedious details of the deployment process.
  • Improved cross-team collaboration: By using KCL's configuration chunk writing and package management capabilities in conjunction with KubeVela, clearer boundaries can be defined, allowing different teams (such as development, testing, and operations teams) to collaborate systematically. Each team can focus on tasks within their scope of responsibility, delivering, sharing, and reusing their own configurations without worrying about other aspects.

Taking the KCL Playground application (written in Go and HTML5) as an example, we use KCL to define the OAM configuration that needs to be deployed. The overall workflow is as follows:

  • Prepare

    • Configure the Kubernetes cluster
    • Install KubeVela
    • Install KCL
  • New project and add OAM dependency

kcl mod init kcl-play-svc && cd kcl-play-svc && kcl mod add oam
  • Write code in main.k
import oam

oam.Application { = "kcl-play-svc"
spec.components = [{
name =
type = "webservice"
properties = {
image = "kcllang/kcl"
ports = [{port = 80, expose = True}]
cmd = ["kcl", "play"]
  • Run command to deploy configuration
kcl run | vela up -f -
  • Port forwarding
vela port-forward kcl-play-svc

Then we can see the KCL Playground application running successfully in the browser


IDE Optimized the Style of Function Completion



❤️ Thanks to all KCL users and community members for their valuable feedback and suggestions in the community. See here to join us!

For more resources, please refer to