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KCL Newsletter (2024.03.20 - 2024.04.03)

· 3 min read

KCL is a constraint-based record and functional language hosted by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that enhances the writing of complex configurations and polices, including those for cloud-native scenarios. With its advanced programming language technology and practices, KCL is dedicated to promoting better modularity, scalability, and stability for configurations. It enables simpler logic writing and offers ease of automation APIs and integration with homegrown systems.

This section will update the KCL language community's latest news, including features, website updates, and the latest community news, helping everyone better understand the KCL community!

KCL Website:


Thanks to to all contributors for their outstanding work over the past twenty days (2024.03.06 - 2024.03.20). Here is an overview of the key content:

Certainly! Here's the translation for the provided content:

🏄 Language Updates Release of versions 0.8.3 and 0.8.4 for KCL

The mainly updates:

  • Added file system built-in methods file.abs to compute the absolute file path and file.exists to determine if a file exists.

🔧 Toolchain Updates

  • KCL package manager: Added support for oci URLs in the kcl.mod file.
  • KCL package manager: Removed updates of indirect dependencies in kcl.mod.
  • KCL package manager: Removed checksum verification for local dependencies.
  • KCL package manager: Fixed an issue where local dependency version numbers were missing.
  • KCL package manager: Fixed the issue of missing local dependencies.
  • KCL package manager: Fixed an internal bug that caused the creation of symbolic links to fail.

🔥 SDK Updates

  • Release of version 0.8.3 for the KCL Go SDK.
  • KCL Go SDK fixed a panic issue that occurred during the ParseFile process.
  • KCL Go SDK supports setting the kcl compiler automatic download through environment variables.

💻 IDE Update

  • Fixed format function of IDE for unsaved code.

Special Thanks

We'd like to thank all the community participants from the past two weeks.

the following are listed in no particular order:

  • Thanks to @bozaro for the contributions to the KCL Go SDK 🙌
  • Thanks to @reckless-huang for the contributions to the KCL Go SDK 🙌
  • Thanks to @vemoo for the contributions to the KCL IDE 🙌
  • Thanks to @wilsonwang371 for the contributions to the KCL docker image and KCL website 🙌
  • Thanks to @d4v1d03 for the contributions to the KCL website 🙌
  • Thanks to @liangyuanpeng for the contributions to KCL github action 🙌
  • Thanks to @octonawish-akcodes for the contributions to KCL IDE 🙌
  • Thanks to @AkashKumar7902 for the contributions to KCL package management tool 🙌
  • Thanks to @empath-nirvana for the contributions to crossplane function-kcl 🙌
  • Thanks to @reckless-huang, @steeling, @vfarcic, @wilsonwang371, and others for their valuable suggestions and feedback during the recent use of KCL 🙌


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