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Version: 0.11

Rest API

1. Start REST Service

The RestAPI service can be started in the following way:

kcl server

The service can then be requested via the POST protocol:

$ curl -X POST --data '{}'
"error": "",
"result": {}

The POST request and the returned JSON data are consistent with the structure defined by Protobuf.

2. BuiltinService

Where the /api:protorpc/BuiltinService.Ping path represents the Ping method of the BuiltinService service.

The complete BuiltinService is defined by Protobuf:

service BuiltinService {
rpc Ping(Ping_Args) returns(Ping_Result);
rpc ListMethod(ListMethod_Args) returns(ListMethod_Result);

message Ping_Args {
string value = 1;
message Ping_Result {
string value = 1;

message ListMethod_Args {
// empty
message ListMethod_Result {
repeated string method_name_list = 1;

The Ping method can verify whether the service is normal, and the ListMethod method can query the list of all services and functions provided.

3. KclvmService

The KclvmService service is a service related to KCL functionality. The usage is the same as the BuiltinService service.

For example, there is the following Person structure definition:

schema Person:
key: str

"value" in key # 'key' is required and 'key' must contain "value"

Then we want to use Person to verify the following JSON data:

{ "key": "value" }

This can be done through the ValidateCode method of the KclvmService service. Refer to the ValidateCode_Args structure of the ValidateCode method:

message ValidateCode_Args {
string data = 1;
string code = 2;
string schema = 3;
string attribute_name = 4;
string format = 5;

Construct the JSON data required by the POST request according to the ValidateCode_Args structure, which contains the Person definition and the JSON data to be verified:

"code": "\nschema Person:\n key: str\n\n check:\n \"value\" in key # 'key' is required and 'key' must contain \"value\"\n",
"data": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"

Save this JSON data to the vet-hello.json file and verify it with the following command:

$ curl -X POST \ \
-H "accept: application/json" \
--data @./vet-hello.json
"error": "",
"result": {
"success": true

4. Complete Protobuf Service Definition

Cross-language APIs defined via Protobuf(

// Copyright The KCL Authors. All rights reserved.
// This file defines the request parameters and return structure of the KCL RPC server.

syntax = "proto3";

package gpyrpc;

// Message representing an external package for KCL.
// kcl main.k -E pkg_name=pkg_path
message ExternalPkg {
// Name of the package.
string pkg_name = 1;
// Path of the package.
string pkg_path = 2;

// Message representing a key-value argument for KCL.
// kcl main.k -D name=value
message Argument {
// Name of the argument.
string name = 1;
// Value of the argument.
string value = 2;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Message representing an error.
message Error {
// Level of the error (e.g., "Error", "Warning").
string level = 1;
// Error code. (e.g., "E1001")
string code = 2;
// List of error messages.
repeated Message messages = 3;

// Message representing a detailed error message with a position.
message Message {
// The error message text.
string msg = 1;
// The position in the source code where the error occurred.
Position pos = 2;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// service request/response
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Service for built-in functionality.
service BuiltinService {
// Sends a ping request.
rpc Ping(Ping_Args) returns (Ping_Result);
// Lists available methods.
rpc ListMethod(ListMethod_Args) returns (ListMethod_Result);

// Service for KCL VM interactions.
service KclvmService {
/// Ping KclvmService, return the same value as the parameter
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "Ping",
/// "params": {
/// "value": "hello"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "value": "hello"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc Ping(Ping_Args) returns (Ping_Result);

/// GetVersion KclvmService, return the kclvm service version information
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "GetVersion",
/// "params": {},
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "version": "0.9.1",
/// "checksum": "c020ab3eb4b9179219d6837a57f5d323",
/// "git_sha": "1a9a72942fffc9f62cb8f1ae4e1d5ca32aa1f399",
/// "version_info": "Version: 0.9.1-c020ab3eb4b9179219d6837a57f5d323\nPlatform: aarch64-apple-darwin\nGitCommit: 1a9a72942fffc9f62cb8f1ae4e1d5ca32aa1f399"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc GetVersion(GetVersion_Args) returns (GetVersion_Result);

/// Parse KCL program with entry files.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ParseProgram",
/// "params": {
/// "paths": ["./src/testdata/test.k"]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "ast_json": "{...}",
/// "paths": ["./src/testdata/test.k"],
/// "errors": []
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc ParseProgram(ParseProgram_Args) returns (ParseProgram_Result);

/// Parse KCL single file to Module AST JSON string with import dependencies
/// and parse errors.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ParseFile",
/// "params": {
/// "path": "./src/testdata/parse/main.k"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "ast_json": "{...}",
/// "deps": ["./dep1", "./dep2"],
/// "errors": []
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc ParseFile(ParseFile_Args) returns (ParseFile_Result);

/// load_package provides users with the ability to parse kcl program and semantic model
/// information including symbols, types, definitions, etc.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "LoadPackage",
/// "params": {
/// "parse_args": {
/// "paths": ["./src/testdata/parse/main.k"]
/// },
/// "resolve_ast": true
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "program": "{...}",
/// "paths": ["./src/testdata/parse/main.k"],
/// "parse_errors": [],
/// "type_errors": [],
/// "symbols": { ... },
/// "scopes": { ... },
/// "node_symbol_map": { ... },
/// "symbol_node_map": { ... },
/// "fully_qualified_name_map": { ... },
/// "pkg_scope_map": { ... }
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc LoadPackage(LoadPackage_Args) returns (LoadPackage_Result);

/// list_options provides users with the ability to parse kcl program and get all option information.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ListOptions",
/// "params": {
/// "paths": ["./src/testdata/option/main.k"]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "options": [
/// { "name": "option1", "type": "str", "required": true, "default_value": "", "help": "option 1 help" },
/// { "name": "option2", "type": "int", "required": false, "default_value": "0", "help": "option 2 help" },
/// { "name": "option3", "type": "bool", "required": false, "default_value": "false", "help": "option 3 help" }
/// ]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc ListOptions(ParseProgram_Args) returns (ListOptions_Result);

/// list_variables provides users with the ability to parse kcl program and get all variables by specs.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ListVariables",
/// "params": {
/// "files": ["./src/testdata/variables/main.k"],
/// "specs": ["a"]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "variables": {
/// "a": {
/// "variables": [
/// { "value": "1", "type_name": "int", "op_sym": "", "list_items": [], "dict_entries": [] }
/// ]
/// }
/// },
/// "unsupported_codes": [],
/// "parse_errors": []
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc ListVariables(ListVariables_Args) returns (ListVariables_Result);

/// Execute KCL file with args. **Note that it is not thread safe.**
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ExecProgram",
/// "params": {
/// "work_dir": "./src/testdata",
/// "k_filename_list": ["test.k"]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "json_result": "{\"alice\": {\"age\": 18}}",
/// "yaml_result": "alice:\n age: 18",
/// "log_message": "",
/// "err_message": ""
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Request with code
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ExecProgram",
/// "params": {
/// "k_filename_list": ["file.k"],
/// "k_code_list": ["alice = {age = 18}"]
/// },
/// "id": 2
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "json_result": "{\"alice\": {\"age\": 18}}",
/// "yaml_result": "alice:\n age: 18",
/// "log_message": "",
/// "err_message": ""
/// },
/// "id": 2
/// }
/// // Error case - cannot find file
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ExecProgram",
/// "params": {
/// "k_filename_list": ["invalid_file.k"]
/// },
/// "id": 3
/// }
/// // Error Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "error": {
/// "code": -32602,
/// "message": "Cannot find the kcl file"
/// },
/// "id": 3
/// }
/// // Error case - no input files
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ExecProgram",
/// "params": {
/// "k_filename_list": []
/// },
/// "id": 4
/// }
/// // Error Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "error": {
/// "code": -32602,
/// "message": "No input KCL files or paths"
/// },
/// "id": 4
/// }
/// ```
rpc ExecProgram(ExecProgram_Args) returns (ExecProgram_Result);

/// Build the KCL program to an artifact.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "BuildProgram",
/// "params": {
/// "exec_args": {
/// "work_dir": "./src/testdata",
/// "k_filename_list": ["test.k"]
/// },
/// "output": "./build"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "path": "./build/test.k"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc BuildProgram(BuildProgram_Args) returns (BuildProgram_Result);

/// Execute the KCL artifact with args. **Note that it is not thread safe.**
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ExecArtifact",
/// "params": {
/// "path": "./artifact_path",
/// "exec_args": {
/// "work_dir": "./src/testdata",
/// "k_filename_list": ["test.k"]
/// }
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "json_result": "{\"alice\": {\"age\": 18}}",
/// "yaml_result": "alice:\n age: 18",
/// "log_message": "",
/// "err_message": ""
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc ExecArtifact(ExecArtifact_Args) returns (ExecProgram_Result);

/// Override KCL file with args.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "OverrideFile",
/// "params": {
/// "file": "./src/testdata/test.k",
/// "specs": ["alice.age=18"]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "result": true,
/// "parse_errors": []
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc OverrideFile(OverrideFile_Args) returns (OverrideFile_Result);

/// Get schema type mapping.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "GetSchemaTypeMapping",
/// "params": {
/// "exec_args": {
/// "work_dir": "./src/testdata",
/// "k_filename_list": ["main.k"],
/// "external_pkgs": [
/// {
/// "pkg_name":"pkg",
/// "pkg_path": "./src/testdata/pkg"
/// }
/// ]
/// },
/// "schema_name": "Person"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "schema_type_mapping": {
/// "Person": {
/// "type": "schema",
/// "schema_name": "Person",
/// "properties": {
/// "name": { "type": "str" },
/// "age": { "type": "int" }
/// },
/// "required": ["name", "age"],
/// "decorators": []
/// }
/// }
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc GetSchemaTypeMapping(GetSchemaTypeMapping_Args) returns (GetSchemaTypeMapping_Result);

/// Format code source.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "FormatCode",
/// "params": {
/// "source": "schema Person {\n name: str\n age: int\n}\nperson = Person {\n name = \"Alice\"\n age = 18\n}\n"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "formatted": "schema Person {\n name: str\n age: int\n}\nperson = Person {\n name = \"Alice\"\n age = 18\n}\n"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc FormatCode(FormatCode_Args) returns (FormatCode_Result);

/// Format KCL file or directory path contains KCL files and returns the changed file paths.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "FormatPath",
/// "params": {
/// "path": "./src/testdata/test.k"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "changed_paths": []
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc FormatPath(FormatPath_Args) returns (FormatPath_Result);

/// Lint files and return error messages including errors and warnings.
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "LintPath",
/// "params": {
/// "paths": ["./src/testdata/test-lint.k"]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "results": ["Module 'math' imported but unused"]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc LintPath(LintPath_Args) returns (LintPath_Result);

/// Validate code using schema and data strings.
/// **Note that it is not thread safe.**
/// # Examples
/// ```jsonrpc
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "ValidateCode",
/// "params": {
/// "code": "schema Person {\n name: str\n age: int\n check: 0 < age < 120\n}",
/// "data": "{\"name\": \"Alice\", \"age\": 10}"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "success": true,
/// "err_message": ""
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc ValidateCode(ValidateCode_Args) returns (ValidateCode_Result);

rpc ListDepFiles(ListDepFiles_Args) returns (ListDepFiles_Result);
/// Build setting file config from args.
/// # Examples
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "LoadSettingsFiles",
/// "params": {
/// "work_dir": "./src/testdata/settings",
/// "files": ["./src/testdata/settings/kcl.yaml"]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "kcl_cli_configs": {
/// "files": ["./src/testdata/settings/kcl.yaml"],
/// "output": "",
/// "overrides": [],
/// "path_selector": [],
/// "strict_range_check": false,
/// "disable_none": false,
/// "verbose": 0,
/// "debug": false,
/// "sort_keys": false,
/// "show_hidden": false,
/// "include_schema_type_path": false,
/// "fast_eval": false
/// },
/// "kcl_options": []
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc LoadSettingsFiles(LoadSettingsFiles_Args) returns (LoadSettingsFiles_Result);

/// Rename all the occurrences of the target symbol in the files. This API will rewrite files if they contain symbols to be renamed.
/// Return the file paths that got changed.
/// # Examples
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "Rename",
/// "params": {
/// "package_root": "./src/testdata/rename_doc",
/// "symbol_path": "a",
/// "file_paths": ["./src/testdata/rename_doc/main.k"],
/// "new_name": "a2"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "changed_files": ["./src/testdata/rename_doc/main.k"]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc Rename(Rename_Args) returns (Rename_Result);

/// Rename all the occurrences of the target symbol and return the modified code if any code has been changed. This API won't rewrite files but return the changed code.
/// # Examples
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "RenameCode",
/// "params": {
/// "package_root": "/mock/path",
/// "symbol_path": "a",
/// "source_codes": {
/// "/mock/path/main.k": "a = 1\nb = a"
/// },
/// "new_name": "a2"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "changed_codes": {
/// "/mock/path/main.k": "a2 = 1\nb = a2"
/// }
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc RenameCode(RenameCode_Args) returns (RenameCode_Result);

/// Test KCL packages with test arguments.
/// # Examples
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "Test",
/// "params": {
/// "pkg_list": ["./src/testdata/testing/module/..."]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "info": [
/// {"name": "test_case_1", "error": "", "duration": 1000, "log_message": ""},
/// {"name": "test_case_2", "error": "some error", "duration": 2000, "log_message": ""}
/// ]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// ```
rpc Test(Test_Args) returns (Test_Result);

/// Download and update dependencies defined in the kcl.mod file.
/// # Examples
/// // Request
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "UpdateDependencies",
/// "params": {
/// "manifest_path": "./src/testdata/update_dependencies"
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "external_pkgs": [
/// {"pkg_name": "pkg1", "pkg_path": "./src/testdata/update_dependencies/pkg1"}
/// ]
/// },
/// "id": 1
/// }
/// // Request with vendor flag
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "method": "UpdateDependencies",
/// "params": {
/// "manifest_path": "./src/testdata/update_dependencies",
/// "vendor": true
/// },
/// "id": 2
/// }
/// // Response
/// {
/// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
/// "result": {
/// "external_pkgs": [
/// {"pkg_name": "pkg1", "pkg_path": "./src/testdata/update_dependencies/pkg1"}
/// ]
/// },
/// "id": 2
/// }
/// ```
rpc UpdateDependencies(UpdateDependencies_Args) returns (UpdateDependencies_Result);

// Message for ping request arguments.
message Ping_Args {
// Value to be sent in the ping request.
string value = 1;

// Message for ping response.
message Ping_Result {
// Value received in the ping response.
string value = 1;

// Message for version request arguments. Empty message.
message GetVersion_Args {
// empty

// Message for version response.
message GetVersion_Result {
// KCL version.
string version = 1;
// Checksum of the KCL version.
string checksum = 2;
// Git Git SHA of the KCL code repo.
string git_sha = 3;
// Detailed version information as a string.
string version_info = 4;

// Message for list method request arguments. Empty message.
message ListMethod_Args {
// empty

// Message for list method response.
message ListMethod_Result {
// List of available method names.
repeated string method_name_list = 1;

// Message for parse file request arguments.
message ParseFile_Args {
// Path of the file to be parsed.
string path = 1;
// Source code to be parsed.
string source = 2;
// External packages path.
repeated ExternalPkg external_pkgs = 3;

// Message for parse file response.
message ParseFile_Result {
// Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) in JSON format.
string ast_json = 1;
// File dependency paths.
repeated string deps = 2;
// List of parse errors.
repeated Error errors = 3;

// Message for parse program request arguments.
message ParseProgram_Args {
// Paths of the program files to be parsed.
repeated string paths = 1;
// Source codes to be parsed.
repeated string sources = 2;
// External packages path.
repeated ExternalPkg external_pkgs = 3;

// Message for parse program response.
message ParseProgram_Result {
// Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) in JSON format.
string ast_json = 1;
// Returns the files in the order they should be compiled.
repeated string paths = 2;
// List of parse errors.
repeated Error errors = 3;

// Message for load package request arguments.
message LoadPackage_Args {
// Arguments for parsing the program.
ParseProgram_Args parse_args = 1;
// Flag indicating whether to resolve AST.
bool resolve_ast = 2;
// Flag indicating whether to load built-in modules.
bool load_builtin = 3;
// Flag indicating whether to include AST index.
bool with_ast_index = 4;

// Message for load package response.
message LoadPackage_Result {
// Program Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) in JSON format.
string program = 1;
// Returns the files in the order they should be compiled.
repeated string paths = 2;
// List of parse errors.
repeated Error parse_errors = 3;
// List of type errors.
repeated Error type_errors = 4;
// Map of scopes with scope index as key.
map<string, Scope> scopes = 5;
// Map of symbols with symbol index as key.
map<string, Symbol> symbols = 6;
// Map of node-symbol associations with AST index UUID as key.
map<string, SymbolIndex> node_symbol_map = 7;
// Map of symbol-node associations with symbol index as key.
map<string, string> symbol_node_map = 8;
// Map of fully qualified names with symbol index as key.
map<string, SymbolIndex> fully_qualified_name_map = 9;
// Map of package scope with package path as key.
map<string, ScopeIndex> pkg_scope_map = 10;

// Message for list options response.
message ListOptions_Result {
// List of available options.
repeated OptionHelp options = 2;

// Message representing a help option.
message OptionHelp {
// Name of the option.
string name = 1;
// Type of the option.
string type = 2;
// Flag indicating if the option is required.
bool required = 3;
// Default value of the option.
string default_value = 4;
// Help text for the option.
string help = 5;

// Message representing a symbol in KCL.
message Symbol {
// Type of the symbol.
KclType ty = 1;
// Name of the symbol.
string name = 2;
// Owner of the symbol.
SymbolIndex owner = 3;
// Definition of the symbol.
SymbolIndex def = 4;
// Attributes of the symbol.
repeated SymbolIndex attrs = 5;
// Flag indicating if the symbol is global.
bool is_global = 6;

// Message representing a scope in KCL.
message Scope {
// Type of the scope.
string kind = 1;
// Parent scope.
ScopeIndex parent = 2;
// Owner of the scope.
SymbolIndex owner = 3;
// Children of the scope.
repeated ScopeIndex children = 4;
// Definitions in the scope.
repeated SymbolIndex defs = 5;

// Message representing a symbol index.
message SymbolIndex {
// Index identifier.
uint64 i = 1;
// Global identifier.
uint64 g = 2;
// Type of the symbol or scope.
string kind = 3;

// Message representing a scope index.
message ScopeIndex {
// Index identifier.
uint64 i = 1;
// Global identifier.
uint64 g = 2;
// Type of the scope.
string kind = 3;

// Message for execute program request arguments.
message ExecProgram_Args {
// Working directory.
string work_dir = 1;
// List of KCL filenames.
repeated string k_filename_list = 2;
// List of KCL codes.
repeated string k_code_list = 3;
// Arguments for the program.
repeated Argument args = 4;
// Override configurations.
repeated string overrides = 5;
// Flag to disable YAML result.
bool disable_yaml_result = 6;
// Flag to print override AST.
bool print_override_ast = 7;
// Flag for strict range check.
bool strict_range_check = 8;
// Flag to disable none values.
bool disable_none = 9;
// Verbose level.
int32 verbose = 10;
// Debug level.
int32 debug = 11;
// Flag to sort keys in YAML/JSON results.
bool sort_keys = 12;
// External packages path.
repeated ExternalPkg external_pkgs = 13;
// Flag to include schema type path in results.
bool include_schema_type_path = 14;
// Flag to compile only without execution.
bool compile_only = 15;
// Flag to show hidden attributes.
bool show_hidden = 16;
// Path selectors for results.
repeated string path_selector = 17;
// Flag for fast evaluation.
bool fast_eval = 18;

// Message for execute program response.
message ExecProgram_Result {
// Result in JSON format.
string json_result = 1;
// Result in YAML format.
string yaml_result = 2;
// Log message from execution.
string log_message = 3;
// Error message from execution.
string err_message = 4;

// Message for build program request arguments.
message BuildProgram_Args {
// Arguments for executing the program.
ExecProgram_Args exec_args = 1;
// Output path.
string output = 2;

// Message for build program response.
message BuildProgram_Result {
// Path of the built program.
string path = 1;

// Message for execute artifact request arguments.
message ExecArtifact_Args {
// Path of the artifact.
string path = 1;
// Arguments for executing the program.
ExecProgram_Args exec_args = 2;

// Message for reset plugin request arguments.
message ResetPlugin_Args {
// Root path for the plugin.
string plugin_root = 1;

// Message for reset plugin response. Empty message.
message ResetPlugin_Result {
// empty

// Message for format code request arguments.
message FormatCode_Args {
// Source code to be formatted.
string source = 1;

// Message for format code response.
message FormatCode_Result {
// Formatted code as bytes.
bytes formatted = 1;

// Message for format file path request arguments.
message FormatPath_Args {
// Path of the file to format.
string path = 1;

// Message for format file path response.
message FormatPath_Result {
// List of changed file paths.
repeated string changed_paths = 1;

// Message for lint file path request arguments.
message LintPath_Args {
// Paths of the files to lint.
repeated string paths = 1;

// Message for lint file path response.
message LintPath_Result {
// List of lint results.
repeated string results = 1;

// Message for override file request arguments.
message OverrideFile_Args {
// Path of the file to override.
string file = 1;
// List of override specifications.
repeated string specs = 2;
// List of import paths.
repeated string import_paths = 3;

// Message for override file response.
message OverrideFile_Result {
// Result of the override operation.
bool result = 1;
// List of parse errors encountered.
repeated Error parse_errors = 2;

// Message for list variables options.
message ListVariables_Options {
// Flag to merge program configuration.
bool merge_program = 1;

// Message representing a list of variables.
message VariableList {
// List of variables.
repeated Variable variables = 1;

// Message for list variables request arguments.
message ListVariables_Args {
// Files to be processed.
repeated string files = 1;
// Specifications for variables.
repeated string specs = 2;
// Options for listing variables.
ListVariables_Options options = 3;

// Message for list variables response.
message ListVariables_Result {
// Map of variable lists by file.
map<string, VariableList> variables = 1;
// List of unsupported codes.
repeated string unsupported_codes = 2;
// List of parse errors encountered.
repeated Error parse_errors = 3;

// Message representing a variable.
message Variable {
// Value of the variable.
string value = 1;
// Type name of the variable.
string type_name = 2;
// Operation symbol associated with the variable.
string op_sym = 3;
// List items if the variable is a list.
repeated Variable list_items = 4;
// Dictionary entries if the variable is a dictionary.
repeated MapEntry dict_entries = 5;

// Message representing a map entry.
message MapEntry {
// Key of the map entry.
string key = 1;
// Value of the map entry.
Variable value = 2;

// Message for get schema type mapping request arguments.
message GetSchemaTypeMapping_Args {
// Arguments for executing the program.
ExecProgram_Args exec_args = 1;
// Name of the schema.
string schema_name = 2;

// Message for get schema type mapping response.
message GetSchemaTypeMapping_Result {
// Map of schema type mappings.
map<string, KclType> schema_type_mapping = 1;

// Message for validate code request arguments.
message ValidateCode_Args {
// Path to the data file.
string datafile = 1;
// Data content.
string data = 2;
// Path to the code file.
string file = 3;
// Source code content.
string code = 4;
// Name of the schema.
string schema = 5;
// Name of the attribute.
string attribute_name = 6;
// Format of the validation (e.g., "json", "yaml").
string format = 7;

// Message for validate code response.
message ValidateCode_Result {
// Flag indicating if validation was successful.
bool success = 1;
// Error message from validation.
string err_message = 2;

// Message representing a position in the source code.
message Position {
// Line number.
int64 line = 1;
// Column number.
int64 column = 2;
// Filename the position refers to.
string filename = 3;

// Message for list dependency files request arguments.
message ListDepFiles_Args {
// Working directory.
string work_dir = 1;
// Flag to use absolute paths.
bool use_abs_path = 2;
// Flag to include all files.
bool include_all = 3;
// Flag to use fast parser.
bool use_fast_parser = 4;

// Message for list dependency files response.
message ListDepFiles_Result {
// Root package path.
string pkgroot = 1;
// Package path.
string pkgpath = 2;
// List of file paths in the package.
repeated string files = 3;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LoadSettingsFiles API
// Input work dir and setting files and return the merged kcl singleton config.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Message for load settings files request arguments.
message LoadSettingsFiles_Args {
// Working directory.
string work_dir = 1;
// Setting files to load.
repeated string files = 2;

// Message for load settings files response.
message LoadSettingsFiles_Result {
// KCL CLI configuration.
CliConfig kcl_cli_configs = 1;
// List of KCL options as key-value pairs.
repeated KeyValuePair kcl_options = 2;

// Message representing KCL CLI configuration.
message CliConfig {
// List of files.
repeated string files = 1;
// Output path.
string output = 2;
// List of overrides.
repeated string overrides = 3;
// Path selectors.
repeated string path_selector = 4;
// Flag for strict range check.
bool strict_range_check = 5;
// Flag to disable none values.
bool disable_none = 6;
// Verbose level.
int64 verbose = 7;
// Debug flag.
bool debug = 8;
// Flag to sort keys in YAML/JSON results.
bool sort_keys = 9;
// Flag to show hidden attributes.
bool show_hidden = 10;
// Flag to include schema type path in results.
bool include_schema_type_path = 11;
// Flag for fast evaluation.
bool fast_eval = 12;

// Message representing a key-value pair.
message KeyValuePair {
// Key of the pair.
string key = 1;
// Value of the pair.
string value = 2;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rename API
// Find all the occurrences of the target symbol and rename them.
// This API will rewrite files if they contain symbols to be renamed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Message for rename request arguments.
message Rename_Args {
// File path to the package root.
string package_root = 1;
// Path to the target symbol to be renamed.
string symbol_path = 2;
// Paths to the source code files.
repeated string file_paths = 3;
// New name of the symbol.
string new_name = 4;

// Message for rename response.
message Rename_Result {
// List of file paths that got changed.
repeated string changed_files = 1;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RenameCode API
// Find all the occurrences of the target symbol and rename them.
// This API won't rewrite files but return the modified code if any code has been changed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Message for rename code request arguments.
message RenameCode_Args {
// File path to the package root.
string package_root = 1;
// Path to the target symbol to be renamed.
string symbol_path = 2;
// Map of source code with filename as key and code as value.
map<string, string> source_codes = 3;
// New name of the symbol.
string new_name = 4;

// Message for rename code response.
message RenameCode_Result {
// Map of changed code with filename as key and modified code as value.
map<string, string> changed_codes = 1;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test API
// Test KCL packages with test arguments.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Message for test request arguments.
message Test_Args {
// Execution program arguments.
ExecProgram_Args exec_args = 1;
// List of KCL package paths to be tested.
repeated string pkg_list = 2;
// Regular expression for filtering tests to run.
string run_regexp = 3;
// Flag to stop the test run on the first failure.
bool fail_fast = 4;

// Message for test response.
message Test_Result {
// List of test case information.
repeated TestCaseInfo info = 2;

// Message representing information about a single test case.
message TestCaseInfo {
// Name of the test case.
string name = 1;
// Error message if any.
string error = 2;
// Duration of the test case in microseconds.
uint64 duration = 3;
// Log message from the test case.
string log_message = 4;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UpdateDependencies API
// Download and update dependencies defined in the kcl.mod file.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Message for update dependencies request arguments.
message UpdateDependencies_Args {
// Path to the manifest file.
string manifest_path = 1;
// Flag to vendor dependencies locally.
bool vendor = 2;

// Message for update dependencies response.
message UpdateDependencies_Result {
// List of external packages updated.
repeated ExternalPkg external_pkgs = 3;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KCL Type Structure
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Message representing a KCL type.
message KclType {
// Type name (e.g., schema, dict, list, str, int, float, bool, any, union, number_multiplier).
string type = 1;
// Union types if applicable.
repeated KclType union_types = 2;
// Default value of the type.
string default = 3;
// Name of the schema if applicable.
string schema_name = 4;
// Documentation for the schema.
string schema_doc = 5;
// Properties of the schema as a map with property name as key.
map<string, KclType> properties = 6;
// List of required schema properties.
repeated string required = 7;
// Key type if the KclType is a dictionary.
KclType key = 8;
// Item type if the KclType is a list or dictionary.
KclType item = 9;
// Line number where the type is defined.
int32 line = 10;
// List of decorators for the schema.
repeated Decorator decorators = 11;
// Absolute path of the file where the attribute is located.
string filename = 12;
// Path of the package where the attribute is located.
string pkg_path = 13;
// Documentation for the attribute.
string description = 14;
// Map of examples with example name as key.
map<string, Example> examples = 15;
// Base schema if applicable.
KclType base_schema = 16;

// Message representing a decorator in KCL.
message Decorator {
// Name of the decorator.
string name = 1;
// Arguments for the decorator.
repeated string arguments = 2;
// Keyword arguments for the decorator as a map with keyword name as key.
map<string, string> keywords = 3;

// Message representing an example in KCL.
message Example {
// Short description for the example.
string summary = 1;
// Long description for the example.
string description = 2;
// Embedded literal example.
string value = 3;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// END
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------