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Version: 0.11

Kotlin API


Refer to this to configure your Maven; set up your GitHub account and Token in the settings.xml.


In your project's pom.xml, configure our repository as follows:


This way you'll be able to import the above dependency to use the SDK.


Quick Start

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.execProgramArgs

val args = execProgramArgs { kFilenameList += "schema.k" }
val api = API()
val result = api.execProgram(args)

API Reference


Execute KCL file with arguments and return the JSON/YAML result.


The content of schema.k is

schema AppConfig:
replicas: int

app: AppConfig {
replicas: 2

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.execProgramArgs

val args = execProgramArgs { kFilenameList += "schema.k" }
val api = API()
val result = api.execProgram(args)


Parse KCL single file to Module AST JSON string with import dependencies and parse errors.


The content of schema.k is

schema AppConfig:
replicas: int

app: AppConfig {
replicas: 2

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.parseFileArgs

val args = parseFileArgs { path = "schema.k" }
val api = API()
val result = api.parseFile(args)


loadPackage provides users with the ability to parse KCL program and semantic model information including symbols, types, definitions, etc.


The content of schema.k is

schema AppConfig:
replicas: int

app: AppConfig {
replicas: 2

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.loadPackageArgs
import com.kcl.api.parseProgramArgs

val args = loadPackageArgs { parseArgs = parseProgramArgs { paths += "schema.k" }; resolveAst = true }
val api = API()
val result = api.loadPackage(args)


listVariables provides users with the ability to parse KCL program and get all variables by specs.


The content of schema.k is

schema AppConfig:
replicas: int

app: AppConfig {
replicas: 2

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.listVariablesArgs

val args = listVariablesArgs { files += "./src/test_data/schema.k" }
val api = API()
val result = api.listVariables(args)


listOptions provides users with the ability to parse KCL program and get all option information.


The content of options.k is

a = option("key1")
b = option("key2", required=True)
c = {
metadata.key = option("metadata-key")

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.parseProgramArgs

val args = parseProgramArgs { paths += "options.k" }
val api = API()
val result = api.listOptions(args)


Get schema type mapping defined in the program.


The content of schema.k is

schema AppConfig:
replicas: int

app: AppConfig {
replicas: 2

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.execProgramArgs
import com.kcl.api.getSchemaTypeMappingArgs

val args = getSchemaTypeMappingArgs { execArgs = execProgramArgs { kFilenameList += "schema.k" } }
val api = API()
val result = api.getSchemaTypeMapping(args)
val appSchemaType = result.schemaTypeMappingMap["app"] ?: throw AssertionError("App schema type not found")
val replicasAttr =["replicas"] ?: throw AssertionError("App schema type of `replicas` not found")


Override KCL file with arguments. See for more override spec guide.


The content of main.k is

a = 1

b = {
"a": 1
"b": 2

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.overrideFileArgs

val api = API()
val result = api.overrideFile(
overrideFileArgs {
file = "main.k";
specs += spec


Format the code source.


Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.formatCodeArgs

val sourceCode = "schema Person:\n" +
" name: str\n" +
" age: int\n" +
" check:\n" +
" 0 < age < 120\n"
val args = formatCodeArgs { source = sourceCode }
val api = API()
val result = api.formatCode(args)


Format KCL file or directory path contains KCL files and returns the changed file paths.


The content of format_path.k is

schema Person:
name: str
age: int

0 < age < 120

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.formatPathArgs

val args = formatPathArgs { path = "format_path.k" }
val api = API()
val result = api.formatPath(args)


Lint files and return error messages including errors and warnings.


The content of lint_path.k is

import math

a = 1

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.lintPathArgs

val args = lintPathArgs { paths += "lint_path.k" }
val api = API()
val result = api.lintPath(args)


Validate code using schema and JSON/YAML data strings.


Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.validateCodeArgs

val args = validateCodeArgs {
code = "schema Person:\n" + " name: str\n" + " age: int\n" + " check:\n" + " 0 < age < 120\n"
data = "{\"name\": \"Alice\", \"age\": 10}"
val api = API();
val result = api.validateCode(args);


Rename all the occurrences of the target symbol in the files. This API will rewrite files if they contain symbols to be renamed. Return the file paths that got changed.


The content of main.k is

a = 1
b = a

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.renameArgs

val args = renameArgs {
packageRoot = "."
filePaths += "./main.k"
symbolPath = "a"
newName = "a2"
val api = API()
val result = api.rename(args)


Rename all the occurrences of the target symbol and return the modified code if any code has been changed. This API won't rewrite files but return the changed code.


Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.renameCodeArgs

val api = API()
val args = renameCodeArgs {
packageRoot = "/mock/path"
sourceCodes.put("/mock/path/main.k", "a = 1\nb = a")
symbolPath = "a"
newName = "a2"
val result = api.renameCode(args)


Test KCL packages with test arguments.


Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.testArgs

val args = testArgs {
pkgList += "/path/to/test/package"
val api = API()
val result = api.test(args)


Load the setting file config defined in kcl.yaml


The content of kcl.yaml is

strict_range_check: true
- key: key
value: value

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.loadSettingsFilesArgs

val args = loadSettingsFilesArgs { files += "kcl.yaml" }
val api = API()
val result = api.loadSettingsFiles(args)


Download and update dependencies defined in the kcl.mod file and return the external package name and location list.


The content of module/kcl.mod is

name = "mod_update"
edition = "0.0.1"
version = "0.0.1"

helloworld = { oci = "oci://", tag = "0.1.0" }
flask = { git = "", commit = "ade147b" }

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.updateDependenciesArgs

val api = API()
val args = updateDependenciesArgs { manifestPath = "module" }
val result = api.updateDependencies(args)

Call execProgram with external dependencies


The content of module/kcl.mod is

name = "mod_update"
edition = "0.0.1"
version = "0.0.1"

helloworld = { oci = "oci://", tag = "0.1.0" }
flask = { git = "", commit = "ade147b" }

The content of module/main.k is

import helloworld
import flask

a = helloworld.The_first_kcl_program

Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.execProgramArgs
import com.kcl.api.updateDependenciesArgs

val api = API()
val args = updateDependenciesArgs { manifestPath = "module" }
val result = api.updateDependencies(args)
val execArgs = execProgramArgs {
kFilenameList += "module/main.k"
val execResult = api.execProgram(execArgs)


Return the KCL service version information.


Kotlin Code

import com.kcl.api.API
import com.kcl.api.getVersionArgs

val api = API()
val args = getVersionArgs {}
val result = api.getVersion(args)