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版本: 0.7

Rest API

1. 启动 REST 服务

通过以下方式可以启动 RestAPI 服务:

kcl server

然后可以通过 POST 协议请求服务:

curl -X POST --data '{}'


"error": "",
"result": {}

其中 POST 请求和返回的 JSON 数据和 Protobuf 定义的结构保持一致。

2. BuiltinService 服务

其中 /api:protorpc/BuiltinService.Ping 路径表示 BuiltinService 服务的 Ping 方法。

完整的 BuiltinService 由 Protobuf 定义:

service BuiltinService {
rpc Ping(Ping_Args) returns(Ping_Result);
rpc ListMethod(ListMethod_Args) returns(ListMethod_Result);

message Ping_Args {
string value = 1;
message Ping_Result {
string value = 1;

message ListMethod_Args {
// empty
message ListMethod_Result {
repeated string method_name_list = 1;

其中 Ping 方法可以验证服务是否正常,ListMethod 方法可以查询提供的全部服务和函数列表。

3. KclvmService 服务

KclvmService 服务是和 KCL 功能相关的服务。用法和 BuiltinService 服务一样。

比如有以下的 Person 结构定义:

schema Person:
key: str

"value" in key # 'key' is required and 'key' must contain "value"

然后希望通过 Person 来校验以下的 JSON 数据:

{ "key": "value" }

可以通过 KclvmService 服务的 ValidateCode 方法完成。参考 ValidateCode 方法的 ValidateCode_Args 参数结构:

message ValidateCode_Args {
string data = 1;
string code = 2;
string schema = 3;
string attribute_name = 4;
string format = 5;

根据 ValidateCode_Args 参数结构构造 POST 请求需要的 JSON 数据,其中包含 Person 定义和要校验的 JSON 数据:

"code": "\nschema Person:\n key: str\n\n check:\n \"value\" in key # 'key' is required and 'key' must contain \"value\"\n",
"data": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"

将该 JSON 数据保存到 vet-hello.json 文件,然后通过以下命令进行校验:

curl -X POST \ \
-H "accept: application/json" \
--data @./vet-hello.json


"error": "",
"result": {
"success": true


4. 完整的 Protobuf 服务定义

跨语言的 API 通过 Protobuf 定义(

// Copyright 2023 The KCL Authors. All rights reserved.
// This file defines the request parameters and return structure of the KCL RPC server.

syntax = "proto3";

package gpyrpc;

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// kcl main.k -E pkg_name=pkg_path
message CmdExternalPkgSpec {
string pkg_name = 1;
string pkg_path = 2;

// kcl main.k -D name=value
message CmdArgSpec {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;

// kcl main.k -O
message CmdOverrideSpec {
string pkgpath = 1;
string field_path = 2;
string field_value = 3;
string action = 4;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// gpyrpc request/response/error types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

message RestResponse {
google.protobuf.Any result = 1;
string error = 2;
KclError kcl_err = 3;

message KclError {
string ewcode = 1; // See kclvm/kcl/error/
string name = 2;
string msg = 3;
repeated KclErrorInfo error_infos = 4;

message KclErrorInfo {
string err_level = 1;
string arg_msg = 2;
string filename = 3;
string src_code = 4;
string line_no = 5;
string col_no = 6;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// service requset/response
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// gpyrpc.BuiltinService
service BuiltinService {
rpc Ping(Ping_Args) returns(Ping_Result);
rpc ListMethod(ListMethod_Args) returns(ListMethod_Result);

// gpyrpc.KclvmService
service KclvmService {
rpc Ping(Ping_Args) returns(Ping_Result);

rpc ExecProgram(ExecProgram_Args) returns(ExecProgram_Result);

rpc FormatCode(FormatCode_Args) returns(FormatCode_Result);
rpc FormatPath(FormatPath_Args) returns(FormatPath_Result);
rpc LintPath(LintPath_Args) returns(LintPath_Result);
rpc OverrideFile(OverrideFile_Args) returns (OverrideFile_Result);

rpc GetSchemaType(GetSchemaType_Args) returns(GetSchemaType_Result);
rpc GetFullSchemaType(GetFullSchemaType_Args) returns(GetSchemaType_Result);
rpc GetSchemaTypeMapping(GetSchemaTypeMapping_Args) returns(GetSchemaTypeMapping_Result);
rpc ValidateCode(ValidateCode_Args) returns(ValidateCode_Result);

rpc ListDepFiles(ListDepFiles_Args) returns(ListDepFiles_Result);
rpc LoadSettingsFiles(LoadSettingsFiles_Args) returns(LoadSettingsFiles_Result);

rpc Rename(Rename_Args) returns(Rename_Result);
rpc RenameCode(RenameCode_Args) returns(RenameCode_Result);

rpc Test(Test_Args) returns (Test_Result);

message Ping_Args {
string value = 1;
message Ping_Result {
string value = 1;

message ListMethod_Args {
// empty
message ListMethod_Result {
repeated string method_name_list = 1;

message ParseFile_AST_Args {
string filename = 1;
string source_code = 2;
message ParseFile_AST_Result {
string ast_json = 1; // json value
KclError kcl_err = 2;

message ParseProgram_AST_Args {
repeated string k_filename_list = 1;
message ParseProgram_AST_Result {
string ast_json = 1; // json value
KclError kcl_err = 2;

message ExecProgram_Args {
string work_dir = 1;

repeated string k_filename_list = 2;
repeated string k_code_list = 3;

repeated CmdArgSpec args = 4;
repeated CmdOverrideSpec overrides = 5;

bool disable_yaml_result = 6;

bool print_override_ast = 7;

// -r --strict-range-check
bool strict_range_check = 8;

// -n --disable-none
bool disable_none = 9;
// -v --verbose
int32 verbose = 10;

// -d --debug
int32 debug = 11;

// yaml/json: sort keys
bool sort_keys = 12;

// -E --external : external packages path
repeated CmdExternalPkgSpec external_pkgs = 13;

// Whether including schema type in JSON/YAML result
bool include_schema_type_path = 14;

// Whether only compiling the program
bool compile_only = 15;

// Compile the dir recursively
bool recursive = 16;

// -S --path_selector
repeated string path_selector = 17;

message ExecProgram_Result {
string json_result = 1;
string yaml_result = 2;
string log_message = 3;
string err_message = 4;

message ResetPlugin_Args {
string plugin_root = 1;
message ResetPlugin_Result {
// empty

message FormatCode_Args {
string source = 1;

message FormatCode_Result {
bytes formatted = 1;

message FormatPath_Args {
string path = 1;

message FormatPath_Result {
repeated string changed_paths = 1;

message LintPath_Args {
repeated string paths = 1;

message LintPath_Result {
repeated string results = 1;

message OverrideFile_Args {
string file = 1;
repeated string specs = 2;
repeated string import_paths = 3;

message OverrideFile_Result {
bool result = 1;

message GetFullSchemaType_Args {
ExecProgram_Args exec_args = 1;
string schema_name = 2;

message GetSchemaType_Args {
string file = 1;
string code = 2;
string schema_name = 3;
message GetSchemaType_Result {
repeated KclType schema_type_list = 1;

message GetSchemaTypeMapping_Args {
string file = 1;
string code = 2;
string schema_name = 3;
message GetSchemaTypeMapping_Result {
map<string, KclType> schema_type_mapping = 1;

message ValidateCode_Args {
string data = 1;
string code = 2;
string schema = 3;
string attribute_name = 4;
string format = 5;

message ValidateCode_Result {
bool success = 1;
string err_message = 2;

message Position {
int64 line = 1;
int64 column = 2;
string filename = 3;

message ListDepFiles_Args {
string work_dir = 1;
bool use_abs_path = 2;
bool include_all = 3;
bool use_fast_parser = 4;

message ListDepFiles_Result {
string pkgroot = 1;
string pkgpath = 2;
repeated string files = 3;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LoadSettingsFiles API
// Input work dir and setting files and return the merged kcl singleton config.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

message LoadSettingsFiles_Args {
string work_dir = 1;
repeated string files = 2;

message LoadSettingsFiles_Result {
CliConfig kcl_cli_configs = 1;
repeated KeyValuePair kcl_options = 2;

message CliConfig {
repeated string files = 1;
string output = 2;
repeated string overrides = 3;
repeated string path_selector = 4;
bool strict_range_check = 5;
bool disable_none = 6;
int64 verbose = 7;
bool debug = 8;
bool sort_keys = 9;
bool include_schema_type_path = 10;

message KeyValuePair {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rename API
// find all the occurrences of the target symbol and rename them. This API will rewrite files if they contain symbols to be renamed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

message Rename_Args {
string symbol_path = 1; // the path to the target symbol to be renamed. The symbol path should conform to format: `<pkgpath>:<field_path>` When the pkgpath is '__main__', `<pkgpath>:` can be omitted.
repeated string file_paths = 2; // the paths to the source code files
string new_name = 3; // the new name of the symbol

message Rename_Result {
repeated string changed_files = 1; // the file paths got changed

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RenameCode API
// find all the occurrences of the target symbol and rename them. This API won't rewrite files but return the modified code if any code has been changed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

message RenameCode_Args {
string symbol_path = 1; // the path to the target symbol to be renamed. The symbol path should conform to format: `<pkgpath>:<field_path>` When the pkgpath is '__main__', `<pkgpath>:` can be omitted.
map<string, string> source_codes = 2; // the source code. a <filename>:<code> map
string new_name = 3; // the new name of the symbol

message RenameCode_Result {
map<string, string> changed_codes = 1; // the changed code. a <filename>:<code> map

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test API
// Test KCL packages with test arguments
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

message Test_Args {
ExecProgram_Args exec_args = 1; // This field stores the execution program arguments.
repeated string pkg_list = 2; // The package path list to be tested e.g., "./...", "/path/to/package/", "/path/to/package/..."
string run_regexp = 3; // This field stores a regular expression for filtering tests to run.
bool fail_fast = 4; // This field determines whether the test run should stop on the first failure.

message Test_Result {
repeated TestCaseInfo info = 2;

message TestCaseInfo {
string name = 1; // Test case name
string error = 2;
uint64 duration = 3; // Number of whole microseconds in the duration.
string log_message = 4;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KCL Type Structure
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

message KclType {
string type = 1; // schema, dict, list, str, int, float, bool, any, union, number_multiplier
repeated KclType union_types = 2 ; // union types
string default = 3; // default value

string schema_name = 4; // schema name
string schema_doc = 5; // schema doc
map<string, KclType> properties = 6; // schema properties
repeated string required = 7; // required schema properties, [property_name1, property_name2]

KclType key = 8; // dict key type
KclType item = 9; // dict/list item type

int32 line = 10;

repeated Decorator decorators = 11; // schema decorators

string filename = 12; // `filename` represents the absolute path of the file name where the attribute is located.
string pkg_path = 13; // `pkg_path` represents the path name of the package where the attribute is located.
string description = 14; // `description` represents the document of the attribute.
map<string, Example> examples = 15; // A map object to hold examples, the key is the example name.

message Decorator {
string name = 1;
repeated string arguments = 2;
map<string, string> keywords = 3;

message Example {
string summary = 1; // Short description for the example.
string description = 2; // Long description for the example.
string value = 3; // Embedded literal example.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// END
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------