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版本: 0.4


1. 安装 KCLOpenAPI 工具

您可通过 go install 快速安装 kcl-openapi:

go install

1.2 验证安装结果

安装完成后,您可执行 kcl-openapi generate model -h,如果看到如下信息则说明安装成功:

kcl-openapi command helps you to generate KCL schema structure from K8s CRD YAML/JSON file.
1. Translate Swagger Openapi Spec to KCL code
2. Translate Kubernetes CRD to KCL code


# convert a K8s CRD file into KCL files
kcl-openapi generate model -f FILENAME --crd --skip-validation

--crd=false: Set the spec file is a kube crd
-f, --filename='': The filename to convert
--skip-validation=false: Skips validation of spec prior to generation
-t, --target='': The location to write output kcl files
--version=false: Show the KCLOpenAPI version

kcl-openapi generate model -f FILENAME [options]

2. 生成 KCL 文件