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Version: 0.11


KCL toolchain is a toolset of KCL language, which aims to improve the efficiency of batch migration, writing, compiling and running of KCL.

Main Toolskcl (alias of kcl run)Provide support for KCL in coding, compiling and running
kcl runProvide support for KCL in coding, compiling and running
kcl docParses the KCL code and generate documents
kcl fmtFormat the kcl code
kcl importImport other data and schema to KCL
kcl lintCheck code style for KCL
kcl modKCL module related features and package management
kcl playRun the KCL playground in localhost
kcl registryKCL registry related features
kcl serverRun the KCL REST server in localhost
kcl testRun unit tests in KCL
kcl vetValidate data files such as JSON and YAML using KCL
IDE PluginIntelliJ IDEA KCL extensionProvide assistance for KCL in coding and compiling on IntelliJ IDEA
NeoVim KCL extensionProvide assistance for KCL in coding and compiling on NeoVim
VS Code KCL extensionProvide assistance for KCL in coding and compiling on VS Code


The KCL Command Line Interface (CLI).

KCL is an open-source, constraint-based record and functional language that
enhances the writing of complex configurations, including those for cloud-native
scenarios. The KCL website:

kcl [command]

Available Commands:
clean KCL clean tool
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
doc KCL document tool
fmt KCL format tool
help Help about any command
import KCL import tool
lint Lint KCL codes.
mod KCL module management
play Open the kcl playground in the browser.
registry KCL registry management
run Run KCL codes.
server Run a KCL server
test KCL test tool
version Show version of the KCL CLI
vet KCL validation tool

-h, --help help for kcl
-v, --version version for kcl

Use "kcl [command] --help" for more information about a command.