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Konfig Structure

This article mainly explains the directory and code structure of the Konfig repository.

Core Model

The core model library is generally named models, mainly including front-end model, back-end model, renderer, etc. The directory structure is:

├── commons # Common models
└── kube # Cloud-native resource core models
├── backend # Back-end models
├── frontend # Front-end models
│   ├── affinity # Affinity
│   ├── deployment # Deplyment
│ ├── common # Common front-end models
│ ├── configmap # ConfigMap
│ ├── container # Container
│ ├── ingress # Ingress
│   ├── rbac # Role, RoleBinding, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding
│ ├── resource # Resource
│ ├── secret # Secret
│ ├── service # Service
│   ├── serviceaccount # ServiceAccount
│ ├── sidecar # Sidecar
│   ├── storage # DataBase, ObjectStorage
│ ├── strategy # SchedulingStrategy
│ ├── volume # Volume
│   ├── job.k # The `Job` model
│ └── server.k # The `Server` model
├── metadata # Kubernetes metadata
├── mixins # Mixin
├── protocol # ServerProtocol
├── render # Front-to-back-end renderers.
├── resource # ResourceMapping
├── templates # Data template
└── utils # Helper utils