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Version: 0.4

Command Line Tool

1. What is the function of the settings.yaml in the application directory of the Konfig?

The settings.yaml in KCL indicates the configuration file of the KCL command line tool. You can put the compiled configuration into it, such as the file to be compiled, the option dynamic parameter that needs to be input(-d), whether to ignore the null value(-n) and other configurations.

For example, for the following arguments:

kcl main.k -D key=value -n -r

It can be replaced by the following command line arguments and settings.yaml

kcl -Y settings.yaml


- main.k
disable_none: true
strict_range_check: true
- key: key
value: value
  • kcl_cli_configs indicates configurable compilation arguments, file indicates the KCL file used for compilation,disable_none indicates whether to use -n, strict_range_check indicates whether to use -r.
  • kcl_options indicates dynamic options that can be configured, key indicates option name, value indicates option value

Note: The file name does not need to be settings.yaml, but the configuration in it must meet the requirements.

2. How to input dynamic options? How to get dynamic options in code?

KCL supports multiple ways to input dynamic options

  • -D: Use the command line argument -D to input dynamic options. It supports basic data types str/int/float/bool and structured data types list/dict
kcl main.k -D env-type=TEST -D deploy-topology='[{"cluster":"my-cluster","idc":"my-idc","replicas":2,"workspace":"my-idc","zone":"my-zone"}]'
  • -Y: Use the command line argument -Y to input dynamic options by configuration file:
- key: env-type
value: TEST
- key: deploy-topology
- cluster: my-cluster
idc: my-idc
replicas: 2
workspace: my-workspace
zone: my-zone

Use the built-in function option() to get it:

env = option("env-type")
deploy_topology = option("deploy-topology")


env: TEST
- cluster: my-cluster
idc: my-idc
replicas: 2
workspace: my-workspace
zone: my-zone

3. How to compile multiple files?

  • Input multiple files in the command line:
kcl file1.k file2.k file3.k
  • Set multiple files in configuration file and use command line argument -Y:


- file1.k
- file2.k
- file3.k
kcl -Y settings.yaml